Incontro Passione dell’anima
The   encounter   of   the   soul   is   a   recovery   of   emotions   that   arise   from   passions   and energies   focused   on   the   survival   of   a   changing   world.   That   is   the   world   that   often causes   us   to   interact   physically   and   spiritually   in   environments   that   commonly generate shocking or unfortunate feelings. Even   so,   it   is   we   who   generate   a   nature   of   vulnerability,   sensitivity,   attraction, rejection,    empathy,    apathy,    among    others.    Sometimes    generating    levels    of attachment,   dependence,   separation,   fear,   heartbreak,   distrust   of   situations   or beings   that   we   do   not   relate.   Although   it   is   a   great   conflict,   we   must   recognize   it as the division of the body to the soul. As   human   beings,   it   is   imperative   to   recognize   that   we   have   been   participants   in the   construction   of   fictional   realities.   But   to   recover   and   assimilate   to   pure   beings it   is   necessary   to   be   part   of   a   process   of   liberation   and   restoration.   For   this,   it   is unavoidable   to   release   that   vulnerable   essence,   confront   empathy   and   reconstruct our   origin.   Through   that   reconstruction,   we   face   a   changing   reality,   we   open   the path set and possibly we will have the encounter with the soul. Incontro,   Passione   dell’anima,   is   the   result   of   an   experimentation   of   passions.   Each piece   originates   in   a   pillar   of   liberation,   which   was   the   result   of   a   conscious process   and   a   longing   for   memories   to   dissolve.   Up   to   a   point,   an   alchemist character   developed,   where   all   darkness   was   transformed   into   light,   all   pain   into love   and   all   empathy   into   reconciliation.   Without   a   past,   there   was   no   experience of   each   work.   Without   the   search   for   openness,   there   was   no   encounter   with realization,   without   liberation   healing   was   not   achieved.   The   truth   surpassed   the lie, humility dominated vanity and compassion reigned to anger. My   mission   in   this   exhibition   is   to   educate   that   it   is   essential   to   live   several   stages of transformation to recover who we are in times of adversity and vulnerability. Enjoy it!
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