Meraki 2019 Exofilia a mis ancestros
Every   so   often,   every   human   being   arrives   at   the   moment   in   which   he   must   make   the   decision   to   move   forward   and improve   with   respect   to   the   past.   Many   people   experience   this   as   a   kind   of   uncertainty   and   perhaps   even   where   we live   with   certain   neutrality.   Some   would   say   that   it   could   be   a   kind   of   paralysis   characteristic   of   the   fear   of performing an action and highlighted by human nature of having a resistance to change. When   the   human   being   believes   that   he   can   lose   everything   if   something   changes   in   his   life,   it   is   when   the   words   of power   gain   strength   and   manage   to   instill   the   necessary   courage   to   undertake   a   new   search   and   abandon   the   fear   of change. Sometimes,   uncertainty   can   paralyze   us;   it   can   isolate   us   from   perceiving   the   good   that   a   change   can   bring.   When we   have   been   living   automatically   for   a   while,   without   truly   experiencing   pleasant   emotions,   then   it   comes   to   our door, leisure. It   is   when   we   look   for   a   means   to   recover   the   spirit   through   the   commitment   that   one   decides   to   have   with   himself,   in his   life.   We   do   not   intend   to   seek   a   change   of   paradigm,   only   delivery   and   commitment   to   what   we   do   and   we   truly care for that commitment, it becomes a recurrent way to experience happiness to the fullest. It   is   an   inspiration   where   the   time   you   dedicate   to   it   is   truly   exciting,   it   is   total   dedication,   it   is   genuine   feeling,   it   is   an intersection   of   emotions   of   momentum,   it   is   an   own   undertaking   to   manage   with   love   and   creativity,   putting   the   soul into it. It   is   a   way   of   living   the   beauty   of   life   and   celebrating   our   personal   growth.   It   is   a   mechanism   of   power   and   a capacity   concept   to   propel   us   forward   and   inspire   us   to   grow   and   also   celebrate   growth.   It   represents   a   type   of potential   that   can   introduce   a   significant   improvement   in   our   lives,   a   change   to   our   perception,   an   extension   to enjoyment and a direct influence on our well-being. That's   Meraki   2019,   where   each   piece   is   based   on   a   pillar   made   with   love,   creativity   and   putting   the   soul   in   that   it will be something unique for those who enjoy it, contemplate it and get it. My   mission   in   this   collection   is   to   educate   people   for   life   in   a   pluralist   world.   Show   and   teach   how   to   handle diversity, how to face doubt as the spark of creativity and how to overcome any obstacle. Enjoy it!
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