Corporiedad del Alma  Estructura experiencial
The   demonstration   of   the   relational   aspect   of   the   body   in   its   psychobiological   and   existential   form   demonstrates   the relationship   of   the   juxtaposition   of   the   body   and   the   soul.   Putting   this,   the   center   of   our   corporeality   in   social ideological   influences,   in   mouths   of   possible   mythological   structures,   in   corporal   cover-ups,   in   legends   destined   to spread myths or in possible symptoms of dramatic emissaries that we can drag ancestral. Curiously,   the   pieces   in   this   collection   show   a   technique   of   immediate   acts   with   enthusiasm   and   spontaneous   vigor where   emotions   are   transmitted.   The   engine   of   inspiration   is   based   on   the   fact   that   "the   motive   is   not   the   decisive factor   but   the   motivation   behind   it."   The   creative   process   transcends   painting.   The   artist's   brushes   and   fingers   dance quickly   on   the   canvas   so   that   the   thought   has   to   go   beyond   what   is   being   done   because   it   competes   with   the   initial idea.   The   selection   of   colors   is   defined   by   the   unforeseen.   Inspiration   is   exciting,   it   is   an   intersection   of   emotions   of momentum, it is an enterprise to manage creativity and it is truly the foundation to unite the soul to the body. The   pieces   are   presented   in   large   formats   allowing   unlimited   work   at   the   time   of   creation.   Resulting   in   total   freedom of    artistic    manifestation.    Textures    are    smooth    and    smooth    surfaces    that    allow    the    paint    to    be    transferred immediately.   Sometimes,   there   is   a   greater   deposit   of   paint   or   mixed   media   to   highlight   a   thought   or   characteristic of   the   piece.   The   light   configures   a   natural   type   composition   and   its   origin   is   highlighted   as   an   environmental   focal point.   The   guidelines   identify   the   perception   at   the   beginning   of   the   work.   Then   through   the   development   of   the piece,    the    appearance    dethrones    the    perception    and    the    feelings    highlight    rhythmic    qualities    worthy    of    Afro- descendant   influence.   Vertical   lines   drive   and   elevate   creation.   But   nevertheless,   the   curves   detail   the   dynamics   of   a visible and sinuous deceptive brushstroke of a demonstrative composition of the corporeality. By   observing   this   collection,   we   recognize   that   corporeality   is   the   permanent   integration   of   multiple   factors   that constitute   a   single   identity.   The   physical,   spiritual,   motor,   affective,   social   and   intellectual   factors   constitute   the original, unique, surprising and exclusive entity that we are. Although   there   are   fundamental   reactions   of   a   conscious   being   with   respect   to   the   world,   my   mission   in   this   collection is   to   invite   you   to   keep   the   two   active   planes   of   the   human   being;   the   sensitive   plane   that   we   consider   the   soul   and   the intellectual plane that we consider the body. That   is   Corporeidad   del   Alma,   where   each   piece   is   based   on   a   pillar   made   with   love,   creativity   and   putting   the   soul in that it will be something unique for those who enjoy it, contemplate it and obtain a reasoning of its total nature. Enjoy it!
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